Introduction to Screen

Katy Goodrich

20 October 2024, 10am – 4pm

£98.00 (2 left)

Katy Goodrich


Uncaptioned image
“Katy was an amazing teacher, she was interesting, easy to understand and very knowledgeable. Excellent location, inspiring demo / examples to look at and interesting exhibition.” June 2021

This one-day course introduces the basic principles of screenprinting. You will learn how to transfer an image to a silkscreen and print onto A3 paper. This course is ideal for beginners with no previous experience and includes lots of hints and tips about mixing inks, selection of paper types, working cleanly and efficiently and image choices. You will learn how to print onto paper and experiment with layering colours to produce your own photographic screen prints.

Course Structure

  • Introduction to the workshop + Health and Safety.
  • What is Screenprinting? Covering the principles of the process and examples.
  • Coating screens and exposing images.
  • Printing image with registration demonstration.
  • Clean up and evaluation.

About the Tutor

Leicester based artist Katy Goodrich has been a part of Leicester Print Workshop for the last 10 years. Starting as a volunteer she then undertook a 5 year apprenticeship at LPW learning all aspects of print and in 2020 Katy became a technician here in the studio. 

Specialising in screenprinting, Katy uses underwater photographs to create her work mainly using the CMYK colour separation technique.