

50 St. George Street

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T: 0116 251 4174

Opening hours

Wednesday to Saturday, 10am – 5pm.

We update our members and the public if there is variation to our regular opening hours through our newsletters and social media channels.

Access statement

We aim to make the building as accessible as possible but if you feel that you might need some additional help, or have any questions, please get in touch or ask a member of staff on arrival.

LPW’s building is physically accessible through lifts which are wheelchair accessible but our external doors are not automatic and may require a member of staff to assist. The building comprises two floors and is located on the corner of St George Street and Queens Street in Leicester’s Cultural Quarter. The publicly accessible ground floor includes a gallery with a seating and table area, a modular shop, front of house welcome desk, kitchen, gender neutral accessible toilets with baby changing facilities and lift access to the second floor. The members only workshop area is a large open plan printmaking workshop which has our presses and facilities for each printmaking department, including our education space. The second floor has private staff offices, the framing room, gender neutral accessible toilets, kitchen facilities and ten artist studios.

Public transport

LPW is in the heart of Leicester’s Cultural Quarter, close to our neighbours Phoenix Cinema, 2 Queens gallery and artist studios, Curve Theatre and LCB Depot. We are an eight minute walk from Leicester Railway Station and an eleven minute walk from Haymarket Bus Station.


We have a locked bike shed in our car park, with several bike racks inside, which is available to use to our members and visitors.


We have a small carpark which is free to use for visitors and members, but donations are always welcome. You can reserve a disabled parking space in advance by getting in contact via 0116 251 4174.

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